Friday, June 13, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fourteen

I experienced my first tornado warning last night. It's rather unnerving to be watching the storm progression on the news only to find out your section of town is in the path of the most severe weather. Thankfully no tornadoes actually touched down in South Austin, but there was a big funnel cloud that was apparently a little worrisome for a while just a couple miles north of me. I sat in the bathroom for the worst part of the storm (which was loud), then watched the tail end of the big lightning storm that followed it. It was an eventful night.

Thankfully the weather appears to be much calmer, though still incredibly hot. I taught my first review session this morning, which was my first time standing in front of a college lecture class and having students (hopefully) take notes on things I'm telling them. It was actually kind of fun, though still extremely bizarre feeling since I'm still barely older than any of the students in the class. I also bought a new planner today. Do you know what this means? This means I've lived in Austin almost a year. WHAT?! I can't even handle it.

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