Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day Five Hundred Forty Four

I went to a basketball game today! Thank you, Grandpa and Mary, for inviting me to go watch UT battle Kansas. It was close the entire time, but unfortunately we ended up losing. We'll get you next time, Jayhawks. Count on it. I would post a photo I took while at the game, but my phone blogger app won't let me post photos anymore, and I'm not willing to get out of bed to remedy the situation. I saw something new at this game - they lowered the mascot from the rafters of the arena right before tipoff (the costumed Bevo mascot, not the actually steer...though that would have been even more impressive). Not even those acrobatics could help motivate us to sink the 3 pointers.

Yesterday marked the end of my first week of the semester. And I can already feel the exhaustion settling in. It just wouldn't be grad school if us students weren't nodding off at all times like we have some sort of contagious strain of narcolepsy. On to more reading about Optics and Lasers (first class) and Cell Biology (second class). I give myself a solid 4 minutes before whatever I'm reading puts me to sleep.

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