Monday, January 19, 2015

Day Five Hundred Thirty Nine

As I was thinking about what to write for this post, I figured I'd focus on how tomorrow is the first day of spring semester. Even though it will soon be the source of almost all my worry and frustration, I can't help but still be that person who gets excited for the start of new classes and a rejuvenated campus. Then I realized...unless something horrible happens that would cause me to fail or drop one of my classes, tomorrow is the start of the very last semester where I'll be required to take new courses. Part of me is thrilled about this (No more grades to worry about! I'll never have to think about maintaining my GPA again!), but there's also part of me that isn't quite sure I'll like this change. I love learning, and considering I can't remember a time when I wasn't being taught something new (whether I liked it or not), it's a weird feeling knowing its almost over. This probably explains why I decided to jump in to grad school, and why I'll likely remain a lifelong academic in some form or another. It's at least comforting to know that there will always be a part of my brain that can't wait to be taught something new.

Outside of school....oh my gosh SEAHAWKS. That game yesterday put me in a terribly emotional state. I cried, and by the end of the game was on the floor in the fetal position. I've never cried watching a sporting event before. Ever. I hope it happens again in 2 weeks.

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