Monday, January 26, 2015

Day Five Hundred Forty Six

I know, I promised photos yesterday. But...sometimes my IBS likes to surprise me and dictate my schedule. As it did last night. It wasn't fun, but thankfully the worst seems to have passed. So without further ado, here are the two photos I promised...

First up - lab snacks! There's this company called Thor Labs that likes to surprise
sad, lonely, hungry graduate students with small boxes of Lab Snacks when there's
extra room in the box holding your brand new lab equipment. It's the best
thing ever.

Next - basketbaaaaaall! This is from the sold out UT vs Kansas game that I went
to with my Grandpa and family friend Mary. It was a close game until the very
end, when Kansas bested us.

Today was back to work as usual. Class in the morning, homework at lunch, and my first lab introduction in the afternoon. I stayed awake during class (victory!), finished my pre-lab assignment for my Optics class on Wednesday, and had a smooth lab introduction with my first class of students. They seem like a fairly normal group of undergrads, which is really all I can hope for at this point.

In other news, it was 71 degrees out today. In January. Winter isn't over yet, Austin! Don't do this to me. I'm not done wearing sweaters.

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