Friday, January 16, 2015

Day Five Hundred Thirty Six

Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday!

I'm so happy it's the weekend. But the fact that it's the weekend also means that I'm that much closer to starting the madness that will be Spring semester. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things, but also slightly terrified of the sheer volume of work that will be coming my way.

But in good news, I think I figured out the problem that's been plaguing my research for the past few months. I seriously almost wept, this one issue has been driving me absolutely nuts for what feels like forever. It also helps that my boss will be very happy. It perfectly describes the research process. Long stretches of frustration followed by brief bouts of euphoria. It's exhausting.

And now, I'm going to go read...while I still have the time to do so.

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