Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day Five Hundred Forty

First day of the new semester! Back to riding the shuttle with the baseball boys and almost getting run over multiple times by errant cyclists. Oh, how I've missed it. If today was an indicator of how the semester will go, it will be best described by one word: exhausting.

First up today, meeting with the boss, where we continually got distracted talking about movies and quoting cinematic classics such as Zoolander and Despicable Me. Then, class. Optics and Lasers. It's going to be super interesting and hands on, as well as extremely time consuming and difficult. In other words, classic grad school. After that, experiment time! Working with bacteria and washing my hands every 10 minutes due to paranoia caused by said bacteria. Next up, seminar for an hour, where a fellow grad student presented his research like a champ. Lastly, prepping for tomorrows experiments before running downstairs to be introduced to one of the classes I'm helping TA for. So...you could say I was a touch busy today. Thankfully I have a wonderful adoptive Austin family that took my frazzled self out to dinner tonight and didn't even comment on how scatterbrained I was. Avants, I love you. Let's go watch some baseball soon.

Tomorrow should be slightly less hectic. I think? I hope. Goodnight.

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