Monday, January 12, 2015

Day Five Hundred Thirty Two

After being out of commission for a week with the flu, it was almost a relief to go back to work today. There's only so much sitting around and feeling icky that a girl can take. I was a productive machine today up at campus (which means there were minimum YouTube breaks) and am ready to tackle a fresh experiment tomorrow. Bacteria, please behave. I've really had enough of your finicky behavior. It's my last week of freedom to do pure research before Spring semester starts, and I'm hoping to make the most of it. Ugh, spring semester. This one is going to be a doozy. Two classes + two labs to TA and grade for + research + spring doctoral candidacy seminar will make for one always-exhausted Allison. But after this semester...I'll be done taking classes! It felt like it would never come. Lord, please let this semester go as smoothly as possible.

One of the downers of being back at work...5pm traffic. I rewarded myself with a Schlotzkys when I got to my part of town. It was a rough week last week, so I figured I earned it. Mmmmmmm.

Oh! Have I bragged about my new backpack yet? I got it last week (yes, in the middle of having the flu, it wasn't my wisest decision), and I'm in love with it. It's my very first North Face backpack, and it definitely earns a rave review. I made everyone in lab try it on so they could feel the extreme comfort. They all agreed with me, though it's possible they were just humoring my slightly over-exaggerated excitement. I'll take it.

I hope everyone is mentally prepping for the Seahawks game this coming weekend. If you're not rooting for the Seahawks, don't tell me. It will do nothing for our relationship.

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