Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day Five Hundred Forty Two

Austin gifted me with Washington weather today, and I loved it. 50s a drizzly? I'll take it. But while I've come to expect a mass insurgence of umbrellas upon the first hint of rain, I wasn't anticipating the warzone these umbrellas would create when it came to me trying to get to class. I'm lucky I didn't lose an eye. Mindy and I were legitimately ducking and weaving the entire 3 blocks to class. Another friend of mine who apparently isn't so gifted at ducking and weaving ended up in a puddle due to these insane college students and their umbrella-weapons. I miss my homeland of people in rain jackets, life was so much simpler then.

I spent most of my day reading for class and for research. Ahhhh, the excitement. Tomorrow is experiment time, though! Wish me luck. And if its raining again, pray for my safety as I travel the perilous streets of UT.

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