Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Eighty

This past Monday was flu shot day! Which means yesterday I stayed home with the post-shot mini flu, complete with fever, chills, and a sometimes-ugly headache. The good news is it was all better by today, and come 10 days from now I should be relatively protected from unhygienic undergrads who go to class sick and spread the flu virus like a modern day typhoid Mary.

Before the post shot ickiness set in, I went to a new book club Monday evening. It was an all women's book club composed of around 20 people ranging in age from mid-20s to mid-30s, and was so much fun. While the discussion had brief, extremely political forays (as is common when election season is upon us), it was exciting (at least for me) to be around a group of people where asking questions like "what's your favorite genre?" or "do you use the GoodReads app? Isn't it awesome?! Let's be GoodReads friends" are met with enthusiastic answers and conversation. I'm excited to get to know everyone in the group better, and excited to have extra reasons to go to the book store.

Today was back to the daily grind of experiments (today's failed, again), office hours, and sitting in my ice cave of an office reading scientific articles. BUT, it was pay day today! Which means I went out to eat for dinner. Obviously. Texas Roadhouse, thank you for your bottomless supply of sweet rolls and cinnamon butter. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.

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