Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Seventy Two

So yesterday I went to a yoga class at one of the gyms at UT, and in attendance was a professor in his mid-70s (possibly 80s). He came ready with yoga mat in tow and was clearly a regular judging by the yoga teacher bounding over to give him a hug. Professor whoever-you-are, we should all aspire to be like you when we're your age. Yoga class full of young'ns? Time to show them how its done. I applaud you. Now please don't hurt yourself.

Today was an alarmingly busy day full of experimenting, TA duties, and meetings. And also - I created my own book review website/blog! It's completely separate from this one, as I figured I'd spare you all from my uncontrollable bibliophile tendencies as much as possible. So if your curious what books I've recently read and how I liked them, take a look at my new site (keep in mind I only have one post right now, since the site is in its infancy). More posts will be added as I finish more books/review old favorites.


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