Friday, September 11, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Seventy One

Yesterday was a day where I sat in line for 3 hours to see a free Brad Paisley concert. And you know what? It was so totally worth it. I've never even really listened to Brad Paisley, and I loved every minute of it, so I can't even imagine what it must have been like for a big fan. The concert was held in a parking lot (not even a joke) which was really weird, but ended up being a good thing considering it thunderstormed hard for 2 hours prior to the show, and standing on wet pavement is much nicer than standing on muddy grass. Brad Paisley captured the moment perfectly when he said "My god it's humid." Sorry, Brad. Welcome to Austin.

Duet-ing with Carrie Underwood for "Remind Me"
Brad by the lit up tower

To follow up an awesome concert last night, I decided to kick off this morning with a dentist appointment and two brand new fillings. Then I went and bought a new watch this afternoon. And now, I'm mentally preparing myself for the first UT home game tomorrow. It may be the only one we win this season, so I plan to enjoy it to the fullest.

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