Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Seventy Four

You guys, yesterday I was in a mood. I didn't have a horrible day or anything, but I was just in a funk I couldn't shake and I'm 99% positive it made me absolutely miserable to be around. It was a rough day, but thanks to a scented candle, a good book, and a box in the mail I started to feel slightly better by bedtime and today feel back to normal. Whew!

Considering the mood I was in yesterday, I went to yoga again today on campus. When I told the professor I'm TAing for my yoga plans (I wanted to let him know in case he needed me to do something beforehand, as yoga was from 11-12 and the lecture I'm TAing starts at 12:30), his only response was "oh good, you'll be a noodle sitting in the back of the room." He may have been joking, but after doing almost an entire hour of leg strength poses I definitely felt noodle-like qualities during his lecture. Climb the stairs from the 2nd to the 3rd floor to get to my lab? No thanks, I'll take the elevator this time and be one of those people everyone hates that takes the elevator for only one floor. The rest of my day was spent updating my lab notebook and doing data analysis. Riveting stuff, let me tell you.

Going back to the box I got in the mail was a Book Swap box! I'm in an online book club through Facebook/Goodreads, and in the month of September we all got paired up with a fellow book club member to send a Book Swap box to. I got mine yesterday, and it was so fantastic. Here's photographic proof - 

In case you're wondering, "Slow Brew" is a tea diffuser that's molded in to the shape of a sloth. And his little arms hang over the rim of your mug while tea diffuses out of holes in his belly. This may be one of the best things I've ever seen ever. I need to go buy some loose leaf tea just so I can put my tea sloth in to my new "famous lines from literature" mug. swap absolutely killed this box. We may have to do this again sometime, because you're a total master at it. For those of you curious about this online book club I'm in, it's called NovelTea Book Club, and sorry's girls only. If anyone reading this would like to join, just let me know and I can send you an invite. We have members from all over the world, and they have yet to choose a novel I haven't enjoyed.

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