Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Sixty Two

Let me tell you a short story. Usually, UT has two shuttles running the East Campus route at all times, that way there's a shuttle arriving at each bus stop about every 10 minutes. Today as I was waiting to be shuttled back to my car, it took an oddly long time for the shuttle to arrive. The reasoning? Both shuttles were running right next to each other. Call me crazy, but doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of having multiple shuttles run at once? Also, are you impressed with how many times I used some form of the word "shuttle" in this story? I'm certainly not an English major.

Another story (not involving public transportation) - a few months ago I made a new friend through an online book club named Gail. We've been enjoying sharing book recommendations and discussing various book club picks (some good, some not so good at all). Today when I got home, there was a box leaning on my front door...full of books from Gail. Is there anything more fun than receiving a package? And even more so receiving a package full of things you love? It's a nice reminder that even though the internet can be full of creepy weirdos, it can also be full of kindred spirits who you may never have met otherwise. Gail, here's to many more book swaps in the future! And if anyone wants to get in on this online boom club action, just let me know. It's fun and you get to discuss literature with people from all around the world. What could be better?

Tomorrow I go to the dentist. Cross your fingers for no cavities!

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