Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Sixty Eight

So, you know in that last blog post how I mentioned the dental hygienist who told me I sounded like I was from the TV show Big Bang Theory? Well, what I didn't tell you was that the same hygienist also emphatically told me I needed to buy myself a fish to help me not stress out so much. And even though she got a little sassy with me about not flossing as much as I need to...I decided to take her advice (on both the fish and the flossing). Without further ado, I'm proud to introduce you to Moriarty, my brand new betta fish!

Isn't he pretty?! I'm already a little obsessed with him. Also, bonus points for those of you who know what the origin of his name is. For those of you who don't, Moriarty is a well known nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. And since betta fish are also known as fighting fish, I figured Moriarty was an appropriately name.

This weekend also marked the very first UT football game of the new season, and we lost in spectacular fashion. It was so so so so so bad. I won't go in to detail, but I did have a good time at my friend Katelyn's house where she held a watch party. And check out the adorable cookies she made! The cookies were probably the highlight of the entire game.

And then...back to work on Monday. It was Labor Day, you say? Most people get that day off, you say? Well, welcome to grad student life, where your boss schedules a meeting on Labor Day and when you mention the fact that it's a national holiday he just looks at you and goes ".....and?" I did get a killer parking spot though (as seen below). And there was no traffic. Which I guess made it worth it (it totally didn't make it worth it). To be fair, I wasn't anticipating getting the day off. After two full years of graduate school, I know better by now.

The first UT home football game is this weekend! We may lose horribly, but my seating group got killer seats this year, so I'm super excited. And the high is only supposed to be 89 degrees that day! That might be the most exciting part of the entire experience.

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