Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Seventy Six

I've been having all kinds of issues sleeping. It's making me a bit frazzled, which always works well with chemistry experiments that at times require levels of extreme patience. So needless to say, the experiments haven't been going as flawlessly as hoped so far this week. Maybe they'll suddenly get better tomorrow and Friday? Hope springs eternal. To make myself feel better I went to Schlotzkys for dinner, in which I asked for a water to drink and they gave it to me in the largest to-go cup I have ever seen. I can barely even grasp it with my hand. It's comically huge, and I just bust out laughing when I saw it because I'm so used to fast food places giving me the smallest cup possible if I only want water. Way to push hydration today, Schlotzkys, albeit a little aggressively.

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