Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day Two Hundred Eighty Four

I'm still missing my little corgi like crazy, but today provided enough unexpected twists to help distract me from the sadness of it all, and for that I'm grateful.

First off, the professor I helped TA for took all 3 of his TAs out to lunch today. We all expected he'd take us to Quizno's or Chick-Fil-A or something...instead he took us to the University of Texas Club at the football stadium. This is a very fancy members only kind of place, and apparently Dr. Holcombe is a member. People were wearing suits. I was wearing jeans and a bright red fleece pullover, Mindy had on yoga pants, and Daniel was wearing an obscure rock band t-shirt. We stood out just a little. The food was delicious though. Then I looked around at the other people milling about, and Andy Roddick walked by me. Famous retired tennis player Andy Roddick. I was so confused as to why he was even there, and no I did not get a photo...I'm not a big enough fan of his to interrupt his day. It was a pretty cool, unexpected celebrity sighting though. Those don't happen often.

Later this evening I went to the final UT home baseball game with the Avants. It lasted 4 whole innings until the game had to get called due to thunder and lightning. However, lots happened in those 4 innings. I won Tuesday Twitter trivia and got a free UT baseball t-shirt (as well as a retweet by Texas Baseball...yeah!). Then we moved up to the highest row to avoid the incoming rain and ended up sitting next to the camera guys from the local news stations. I decided to talk with the one sitting right next to me about his camera (inspired questions such as "how heavy is it?") and the station he was working for (KEYE tv, the local CBS affiliate). I just assumed he was some camera lackey for the station. After he left to go edit footage, Bob Avant informed me he recognized the guy and that I had just been chatting up the sports anchor, Adam Winkler. Well alright then. I'm extra proud of those camera questions now. He was super nice though, and even held up his camera so I could get a photo for instagram/twitter/facebook/blog. I tagged him in the Twitter post and promptly got retweeted by him. This may be the first day I've actually genuinely enjoyed having a Twitter...so many fun things happened with it today!

I'm sleepy.

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