Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day Two Hundred Ninety Two

Today was phase one of Shear Lab cleaning. Mindy and I tackled the cabinets in the main room, and were immediately bombarded with roughly 400 tangled cables and cords. We also were transported back in time when we found floppy disks and zip disk converters. It was filthy and overwhelming, and at one point when Mindy asked what to do with the mice she found, it actually took me a second to realize she meant computer mice and not living mice. This is how dire the situation was. And we've barely even scratched the surface. This is going to be a very dusty summer in lab.

It was a beautiful day outside today. If only it weren't so humid. Regardless, I got some pictures of campus on my walk back to my car. They include: Welch Hall (my home away from home), the football stadium, and my new squirrel friend that decided to get up close and personal when I crouched down to try and get a better photo.

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