Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day Two Hundred Ninety Four

I spent a lot of time in the car today. But it meant I got to see extended family that I don't see very often, so it was definitely worth it. I got an early start driving down to San Marcos to my cousins' house, then after a quick breakfast Emily and I jumped in Aunt Carole's car and we were off to Port Lavaca for my other cousin Brandi's baby shower. Port Lavaca is right on the gulf coast, which was really cool to see (I've never been that far south before!). The water isn't quite as pristine looking as I'm used to with the ocean up in the northwest, but I still liked it.

The baby shower was a success, with lots of cute clothes for baby Ava and some delicious cupcakes. Brandi's 7 year old son Bryce made a paper fortune teller and proceeded to tell a few of us our fortunes. These were the results: Brandi (his mom) has cow teeth, Carole (his grandma) has slimy teeth, Emily will be a weird mom, and I will be a ninja turtle. I'm pretty sure I came out on top. Oh, the mind of a 7 year old.

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