Friday, May 2, 2014

Day Two Hundred Seventy Three

Spring semester is almost.......done.......all I have is one final next Friday, then I can officially put my second semester if grad school in the books! How crazy. And you know what's awesome? My take-home final from my other class got cancelled because neither the prof or the TA wanted to grade it. Best. News. Ever. There may have been jumping and cheering and high fives thrown around once we left class after learning that.

Today I finished grading my last batch of lab reports for my spring labs. I'm relieved to be done with it, but I'll also kinda miss those undergrads. They can be super needy at times (I'm now positive I was too in undergrad), but they definitely grow on you.

I got to spend time with one of my Austin parents tonight, eating dinner and going shopping. Thanks for hanging out with me Louise!

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