Monday, May 19, 2014

Day Two Hundred Eighty Nine

No, I haven't given up on blogging! It was just a rough few days after losing Sophie followed by an extremely boring (yet relaxing) weekend where I just had nothing interesting to write about.

I got my summer TA assignment today, and am happy to say that I got bumped to being a lecture TA instead of a lab TA! This means that, at least for the summer, I won't have to worry about students breaking expensive instruments or spilling chemicals on themselves. Which is actually a huge relief, as both of those are very real possibilities during every lab session. As a lecture TA, I only have to worry about them turning homework in on time. Much less stressful.

We also acquired a new (used) laser today. We had to move it from one lab to another using a rickety cart, and we were probably extremely suspicious looking moving a laser worth thousands of dollars around the halls of Welch Hall. At one point my lab mate Mike asked if we should take a photo to commemorate "the day we took our laser for a walk." This didn't happen, we were all too focused on not knocking the thing over. Now I'm a little disappointed that we didn't.

To finish the day I went to a friend's birthday dinner at a place called Whip In. She described it as an "Indian restaurant/bar/convenience store." This description is entirely accurate, but it should be noted that it was actually pretty cool on the inside (I'll be honest, I was expecting it to look real shady). I couldn't eat any of the food, but the company was fantastic. One more time - happy birthday, Natalie!

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