Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day Two Hundred Seventy Eight

I have my one final for the semester this coming Friday, which means mass panic-studying has been happening all day today (and will continue throughout tomorrow). Cumulative finals are just the worst.

In good news I got some actual research done on Monday and Tuesday! It's been the first time I've been able to dive into my own project, and its been really exciting. Also exciting (in a bad way) was the GIANT wasp that somehow found its way into lab today. Mike almost put his hand right on it when peering around the windowsill to look for it, Mindy grabbed an old textbook to eradicate the situation (seriously, a text book was the only thing substantial enough to take this bug down), and when the first swat didn't kill him, frantic swatting with both the textbook (by Mindy) and an old poster (Mike was serving as back up) ensued. The wasp is no longer a problem. Success!

Final note - we're dog sitting a snuggly corgi for the week. I don't hate it.

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