Friday, May 9, 2014

Day Two Hundred Eighty

I am so tired, I almost posted this as "Day Two Hundred Seventy Ten." Unfortunately, that isn't even a was a completely serious thought. Hello, post finals brain. I haven't missed you.

I had my big cumulative final this morning, and I'm so happy its over. After finishing I went back to my office, caught up on some emails, and stared into space for a while. It actually ended up being a good waste of time, as a few big storms passed through Austin at the same time. Sometimes, I'm very thankful that I work in a gigantic, practically indestructible brick building. Even though it sometimes smells weird.

To celebrate the end of finals, Kelly and I got dinner at Schlotzky's and indulged in some frozen yogurt for dessert. YUM. Then we went to see one of our favorite comedians, Jeff Dye (seen in the photo below), at a local comedy club. The perfect way to end an initially very stressful day.

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