Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day Two Hundred Ninety Eight

My big brother and almost sister-in-law graduated from medical school and officially became doctors today. I couldn't be more proud of them, and I wish so badly that I could have been there. I love you both and can't wait to see you soon!

My world has largely been dominated by reading these past few days, both for fun and for school (not so fun). Reading textbooks...the natural tranquilizer. I'm on the first of four recommended textbooks to read and memorize in preparation for qualifying exams this coming fall, so its clearly going to be an awesome summer. Good thing I like analytical chemistry, or this would be even more miserable then it already is.

We had a crazy thunderstorm pretty much all day yesterday. At one point the radar was lavender colored, which is the maximum severity for rain. Why would they choose such a soothing color for the most intense rain? That just makes no logical sense. I expect better from you, meteorologists of the world. Anyway, most of my evening yesterday was spent sitting in front of our giant living room window watching the madness unfold outside. It was wonderful.

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