Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day Two Hundred Seventy Five

I went to the grocery store today, and the volume of the purchases people around me were making made me wonder if everyone in south Austin was stocking up for the apocalypse. All I had was a box of Ensure drinks and a hand basket of opposed to the teeming carts full of who-knows-what that I was stuck behind at the checkout line. Goodness gracious.

After enduring the checkout line that never ended, I came home and finished the book I bought last Friday (as in 2 days ago). It feels so good to be able to indulge in my obsessive reading habit again.

Most exciting part of the day...tweeting about one of my favorite comedians
(Jeff Dye) and having him Favorite the tweet a few minutes later. A minor freakout on my end occurred. My roommate can confirm this. But it was awesome.

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