Friday, March 6, 2015

Day Five Hundred Eighty Four

Guess who did her taxes all on her own today (with the help of H&R Block)? ME! It's my first time ever filing my taxes without help from my parent's financial advisor, and I think I did splendidly. I now understand why people hate filing taxes, because there are a million little boxes described in ways that I don't have a prayer at understanding. But they're done, they're filed, and I am pleased with myself.

Half my day was spent running around, the other half spent sitting catching up on DVRed shows, doing taxes, and grading. I ran to lab to take care of some general lab maintenance, then drove over to Frank Erwin Center to buy tickets to the Ed Sheeran concert. Tickets went on sale at 10:00am today, I got to the box office at 10:45am on the dot. When I went to go buy tickets, I was greeted with "oh, that show is almost sold out." Whoa, Ed Sheeran. Whoa. Apparently I'm not the only one that loves you so much that I go to the box office within an hour of tickets going on sale (and thank goodness I did, or I wouldn't be seeing you at all). Don't you worry though, I'll be seeing you when you make your stop in Austin.

After getting my tickets, I was off to the mall to exchange some clothes. I've lived here a little over a year and a half now...this is my 3rd time to go to the mall ever. I miss my tiny Olympia mall where I knew where everything was and you could walk from one end to the next in 3 minutes. Barton Square Mall is big, and I get lost, and then I get tired of the fact that I can't afford anything most of the stores there sell. I made a quick stop by Sephora (because I'm a female and can't help myself) where I asked about how to use various eyebrow products, because I own some and they always look goofy when I attempt to use them. The clerk looked at me and went, "you just trace your original brow" then dismissed me and walked away. Thanks, snobby mall employee. I will buy nothing from you.

On a final note, thank goodness it's the weekend. This past week almost did me in. Now I just need UT baseball to win their games this weekend, unless they want me to smack them all on the shuttle come Monday morning and tell them to get it together.

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