Monday, March 16, 2015

Day Five Hundred Ninety Four

You know you've fully accepted your fate as a graduate student when working over school breaks actually becomes...dare I say...enjoyable. The parking is so much better. And it's way less crowded everywhere. And I actually have time to get research done instead of having all of my time be consumed by teaching and taking classes. I know, it doesn't make sense, but it was nice to finally have a somewhat relaxing day at work. Though I know I can't avoid grading and my own homework much longer, since the end of spring break will come way too fast (as it always does). Boo.

I wish I had more exciting things to say for today. But I don't. I'll try to do more interesting things tomorrow (like a trip to the University health center! Happy St. Patrick's Day to me!). Until then, here are some baseball photos from Saturday's game:

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