Friday, March 20, 2015

Day Five Hundred Ninety Eight

At the end of last week, I got a bill from TxTag (the billing agency for toll roads in Texas) for a road I've never even heard of, much less been on. Well, lucky me, the TxTag Customer Service office is in north Austin! Sometimes living in the capitol city has its perks. So instead of paying the $2.56 fee (cause you best believe I'm not paying for someone else to use toll roads here), I took a little drive waaaay up north. Turns out, the TxTag office is one exit before the toll road starts, so if you miss your exit...well, that just sucks for you. Sneaky TxTag. 

Anyway, for any of you wondering, even though the building itself is gigantic, they force all of the people visiting to cram themselves into a tiny lobby (standing room only) where 4 windows of customer service reps are available. Oh, and there's no public restrooms...not cool. So I waited 45 minutes in a line of very cranky individuals to have the lady at my window (who was very friendly, so no complaints towards her) tell me that I'd been charged for a Porsche whose license plate was one number off mine. Um, I'd be glad to pay the $2.56 fee if I get the Porsche in return. But I got it all cleared up and felt like a self-empowered champion, even though the whole ordeal took up half my day. That's pretty much been my big adventure for the week.

Other than that, I've enjoyed a blissful week of no teaching and no classes. I've spent the last 3 days grading though, which has been a bit of a drag. One of my favorite singers had some stellar grading advice though -- 

Best surprise tweet ever.

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