Friday, March 13, 2015

Day Five Hundred Ninety One

This has been a week where sleep has been evasive. Not for lack of trying, that's for sure. But its definitely been rough. Since I can't drink caffeine, when my sleep goes haywire my entire brain just moves slower...not a good thing in grad school. Thank goodness next week is spring break. While I'll still be working up in lab every day, it will at least give me enough flexibility to get my internal clock back in sync.

Not only was this week tiring, it was just kind of weird. Both of my lab sections were completely scatterbrained, and are lucky I didn't yell bloody murder at them (I've never been so close before). You can give marginal effort all you want in lecture, but please pay attention when you're in lab with me and handling instruments that are worth tens of thousands of dollars. Trust me, the department will choose the instrument over you should you ruin it. And I'll back them up. So FOCUS! Can you tell I was frustrated? Can you tell I'm still kind of frustrated about it? Aside from misbehaving students, I also had a conversation with my boss in which I was advised to not try as hard in the classes I'm taking. True story. I've never been told that before, so I still have no idea how to go about implementing that. I'm fairly certain my brain just isn't wired that way.

Texas baseball, thank you for providing a reprieve from SXSW traffic/madness tonight. And thank you for winning. And thank you Deb for being generous enough to share one of your suite tickets with me. My exhausting work week ended on a pretty stellar note.

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