Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day Five Hundred Eighty Three

Texas got a touch icy last night. The city responded accordingly and closed just about everything. I used to make fun of them doing this, closing down offices and schools at the threat of cold weather. Then...I learned how horrific Texan drivers are, and how terrifying they are to be around even in sunny weather. So I'm now completely on board with the seemingly-over-cautious-about-cold-weather Texan ways, especially when ice is involved. Also, it means I get to sleep in, and I'm almost always in favor of that.

UT decided not to close down for the whole day, but instead delayed opening until 2pm. It's the latest late start I've ever seen, but again, it meant I got to sleep in, so I was still a happy grad student. And guess what time the lab is that I teach on Thursdays? 2pm. Guess who had a bunch of cranky undergrads in class today? Me. We all survived though, even though two of the instruments decided to be stupid and not work today. Oh science, such a fickle creature you are.

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