Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day Five Hundred Eighty Two

Late start tomorrow! Late start tomorroooooow! Its supposed to get cold and icy overnight tonight, and since Texans are naturally horrific at driving, UT decided to delay start until 2pm. That's the latest late start I've ever seen, but it means I can still teach my afternoon lab, which is a relief (make-up labs are a pain in the butt). But before that, I'll enjoy a blissful morning of sleeping in.

Moments after the delayed start email was sent out, I started getting emails from my students about whether or not we have class. Well students, since class starts after the delay time.....yes, yes we do. Though I can see how that would be confusing. Oh wait, its actually not confusing at all. Hope springs eternal when it comes to canceled classes.

In good news, the rest of my week should be decidedly less stressful than the first half of it was. Test corrections - done. Monster lab report due tomorrow - written. Brain - dead. Allison - exhausted.

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