Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day Six Hundred Seven

I have been absolutely horrible about updating this lately. It turns out, the week after Spring Break is madness. I already knew this, but it's amazing how I forget every year how hard it is to get back in to the swing of things after a week of extra relaxation. You mean I can't still sleep in until 9am every day? No, not acceptable. Ugh.

A bright spot of this past week mom came in to town! She's here for a couple weeks, and it makes me very happy. After living at home almost my entire undergrad career, it's still weird not seeing my parents all the time, so having my mom here for an extended amount of time has been wonderful. Also, she's helping me move, and if she wasn't here to help me move...I'd probably be catatonic at this point. Mom, you're the best, thank you for helping me pack (and by "helping me" I mean "basically packing everything yourself") and shop for things I'll need. I now know that couches are very expensive. Goodness gracious.

This weekend was the second recruitment weekend for the chemistry department, which means my weekend free time got cut in half. But at least UT made up for it by feeding me delicious food on both Friday and Saturday evening.

This moving week! Let the madness continue.

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