Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day Two Hundred Seventy

I probably walked between 4 and 5 miles around campus today. I am exhausted. Thankfully it wasn't another day in the 90s, or else all that walking would have been quite miserable. I now know what lies on Guadalupe Street just north of campus. Definitely want to go to the downtown Kerbey Lane Cafe, definitely want to steer clear of the sketchy looking establishment called Goat Love. The little I saw through the tinted windows was more than enough. I'll be making a wide berth around that one.

Other than classes, I went to the grocery store and watched UT baseball on tv (we finally won a game!). I had a grand plan to make banana bread tonight, but the lack of bread pans threw a hitch in that. Banana bread muffins tomorrow it is.

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