Friday, April 11, 2014

Day Two Hundred Fifty Two

It's finally the weekend! Why did this week feel like it lasted for an eternity? I have a stack of work to get done this weekend though, so that puts a damper on things. I'm in that stage where it's the final few weeks of the semester and I don't have the motivation to do anything...which isn't good when you have two classes worth of lab reports to grade as well as a homework assignment from each of the two classes you're taking. Yup, this weekend is going to be a party.

For some reason, both of the big UT fountains were running today even though all the US presidents have left campus. Graduation photos, maybe? I wish Texas wasn't in such a horrible drought, I would love for the fountains to run 24/7, they're so beautiful. I guess I'll just have to settle for the two tiny fountains in the pool at my apartment complex. Not quite the same thing, but I'll take what I can get.

Fountain #2 at UT.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and was reminded that the completely rabid nature of UT football fans knows no bounds. See the following photo for explanation.

Easter (football) bunny?
Goodness gracious UT, you permeate everything in this city. I'm all for school pride (I now own an abundance of burnt orange shirts and a few stuffed longhorns), but even I had to laugh at how ridiculous this was.

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