Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day Two Hundred Sixty Five

It's days like today that make me cranky that I can't wear shorts to school. Or if I do wear shorts, I have to take pants to change into once I'm in Welch Hall. It's a rough life working in a chemistry building when temperatures start to approach the 90s. It was 88 today, and is supposed to be 90 on Sunday. Texas, why must you do this to me?!

Other than the hot weather (ugh), the day was pretty low key. I had class, picked up my signed Jimmy Carter book that I ordered a couple weeks ago (yay!), and prepped for working in the lab tomorrow. I also got a surprise end-of-the-semester gift from my Owl mug! It's so cute. And definitely what I needed to get me through these final couple weeks. Thanks mom and dad! You're the best.

The funniest part of today was probably my Physical Methods professor Dr. Hoffman, saying he was "going on an adventure for some chalk" before diving behind the projector screen and rummaging around for a couple minutes. It was kind of weird, but also kind of wonderful.

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