Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day Two Hundred Forty Six

Today, I learned that someone who just moved in either above or below me smokes like a chimney. I opened the cabinet under my bathroom sink and the smell was so strong it was like whoever it was had snuck in and huddled under the sink to smoke their cigarette. Not cool, man. Not cool. So I made an impromptu trip to HEB and bought 5 different kinds of air fresheners/odor removers. I'm sure the people who saw my basket were curious what happened that required that much ammunition.

Then...I graded. And graded and graded. And tomorrow? Oh, just a little more grading. It'd probably go faster if I turned off the TV, but then I would run the very real risk of falling asleep on top of all the lab reports. It's happened before.

I missed two days in a row blogging. I need to get back on track! Thursday was full of class, office hours, and lab work. Friday I got the oil changed in my car. You know it's going to be a smooth visit when the guy at the front desk comes out and says, "Allison...are you in a hurry this morning?" Nothing was wrong with my car, but apparently the car before mine was not as lucky. Thankfully they had a really nice waiting room (way nicer then any car place I've been to ever before) and I didn't actually have to be anywhere that morning. Even with the unexpected wait, I officially endorse Christian Brothers Automotive.

My brother and I were sending old family photos back and forth tonight. I leave you with this particular gem, circa 2007 - 

The essence of the Myers family.

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