Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day Two Hundred Sixty Four

I forgot how tiring it is being sick. Thankfully I'm pretty sure I'm on the mend and will be able to get back to my normal routine tomorrow. I spent most of today at home and the allergist's office. I had to get up to campus for an hour to do lab drawer check-out for one of my labs, thankfully that went quickly so I could get back home and go back to bed. In the brief time I was on campus I did walk past Charlie Strong's tour bus though (the new football coach at UT).

I learned today that allergy tests make your back look pretty gnarly. It looked like I sat in a swarm of mosquitoes with all the bumps and red marks that showed up on my back. I now know that I'm very allergic to cats (who knew?! Especially since I grew up owning a cat) and whatever grass is present here. Awesome. Grass should be easy to avoid. It's only everywhere. Atleast I know what to watch for though when it comes to pollen counts.

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