Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day Two Hundred Fifty Seven

Another 10 hour day on campus. Thank goodness my desk is right next to a window, or else I would rarely see the outdoors. And thank goodness I keep my desk stocked with snacks, or my stomach would constantly grumble. I'm starting to get the hang of this grad school thing...minus the constant exhaustion part. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to that.

I only have one more week of teaching lab this semester. I keep trying to convince my students that they'll miss me, but I think they're too focused on graduating to even pay attention. Oh well, I remember the feeling vividly. One of my students started getting sassy with me after I almost tripped over his foot, and one of his lab partners looked at him and said, "Dude...she grades your reports." It was funny. And true. Behave, students!

I went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner with a lab mate of mine. I forgot how much I love that place. Grilled chicken and fresh carrots? Sign me up! On the drive home I saw something that reminded me of when I came to Austin for my recruitment weekend. Behold...side-of-the-road Easter pinatas. When I was for recruitment, they were everywhere along the road. And now that Easter is just a few days away...they have returned in force. I still have no clue what they are or why they're so popular, but it's weird.

Bunny pinatas. Everywhere.

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