Monday, April 7, 2014

Day Two Hundred Forty Eight

Yestedays baseball game was cold. Much colder then expected. I took an all-weather blanket to sit on since I knew my seat would be wet from the rain...little did I know I'd cocoon myself in the blanket by the end of the second inning and remain that way until the end of the game. Another perk of going to a baseball game alone - no one makes fun of you for looking like a giant caterpillar pupa. I was warm and cozy though, so I didn't care how ridiculous I looked. And UT won 4-0! It was a great game.

I finally caved and went to see an allergist today. Official allergy testing will take place within the next couple weeks, which sounds like a super fun time. But if it means making these monster Texas allergies more bearable, sign me up.

Tonight we had what felt like a mini hurricane. It came out of nowhere, with 40mph winds, heavy rain and hail, and some pretty impressive thunder and lightning. It only lasted maybe 30 minutes. Weird. Texas, you got some straaaaange weather.

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