Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day Two Hundred Sixty

Another UT baseball loss today. Come on, Longhorns! You can't start losing when I become emotionally invested in your games. I went with my cousin and his wife though, so even though we lost it was a great afternoon. Josh and Emily, we should probably hang out more. Maybe even go to a game where UT actually wins...that'd be cool.

It was warm enough at the game to indulge in my love of snow cones. They had a station where you add your own flavoring to the shaved ice, and I somehow ended up squirting grape flavoring all over my arm. Awesome. I also learned that if you get a snow cone at a game, you better be ready for the bees to attack. I spent a good five minutes twirling in circles and dodging around to save my cone from a determined bee. I probably looked like a lunatic, but I'm proud to say I was victorious in avoiding the attack.

I am exhausted. Watching my team lose just takes it out of me. On a final note, here's a photo from the game.

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