Friday, March 14, 2014

Day Two Hundred Twenty Five

Today I had that wonderful moment where all my grading gets finished and I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that my free time has been returned to me. Until next Monday, when a whole new stack of reports come my way. What a vicious cycle this is.

Today was a relaxing Washington day. I went to Fred Meyer to pick up some cinnamon rolls. If you didn't know before, Fred Meyer makes the best cinnamon rolls ever. I'm not even joking. If I could get away with eating one for every meal for the rest of my life, I would do it. It's almost 11pm here, and I'm holding myself back from having one as a bed time snack. I know that cinnamon rolls as a bed time snack doesn't even makes sense, but they're that good. I also bought some Muddy Buddies and introduced this delicious snack to my mom. It may not have been a day of healthy food choices...

I had an appointment this afternoon that was, unfortunately, just down the road from the Half Price Books Outlet. I haven't been to a bookstore in a while, so my self control regarding bookstores was already hanging by a thread, and this temptation just proved too much. $4.35, I am the owner of 3 new-used mystery books. But honestly, how can you beat that deal? I'll have to jam those suckers into my suitcase when I go back to Austin, but I have no regrets. If anything makes me happy in life, it's a new book. There are worse vices to have.

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