Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day Two Hundred Twenty Eight

You would think by now I would know that the "I'll just lay in bed for a couple more minutes" routine in the morning is just a recipe for frantic disaster. Forty five minutes later, I opened my eyes and realized that I was still in bed when I should have been getting in my car to get to group meeting on time. I knew I was doomed...with traffic like it is going northbound in the morning, I knew I would never make it to group meeting on time leaving at 7:25am. Curses. I begrudgingly sat in my car through traffic, blasting Maroon 5 and glaring hate beams at the two cars that cut me off merging into my lane, before parking in the closest garage on campus to the chemistry building and full-on running the 3 blocks to Welch Hall. I think the fact that I walked in wheezing only 10 minutes late helped my advisor take pity on me. Let's all cross our fingers that this particular situation doesn't happen again (or atleast doesn't happen for a while).

After the meeting, it was off to classes and an afternoon seminar. There are always fresh baked cookies at the seminars, so I am always in attendance. As are most of the other analytical students. Offer us free food, we will come running.

Tomorrow morning I teach lab. Here's to hoping no one breaks or spills anything.

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