Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day Two Hundred Nineteen

My last two days were completely consumed with my Surface Chemistry take-home exam, so I decided that I earned a fun day today. That day included the Snake Farm and Exotic Animal World in New Braunfels and a visit to the gigantic outlet mall in San Marcos. It wasn't an overly nice day out (overcast, windy, rainy), but I came to the conclusion that the bad weather actually worked in our favor because it decreased what could have been unpleasant Saturday crowds.

The Snake Farm was first on the list, courtesy of yet another Groupon. Have I mentioned that I love Groupons? Because I do. Kelly, Mindy, and I spent quite a bit of time ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the various venomous and angry looking snakes on display, and there are a lot of snakes to see. Then we went outside to walk through the mud (we somehow hit the sweet spot and didn't have it rain on us while we were in the zoo portion outside) and look at all the random exotic animals. And when I say random, I truly mean random. Zebras? Sure. Mountain Lions? Of course. Capybaras (which Kelly never knew existed and was flabbergasted to see)? How could you not have those. But the best part had to be the two baby white lions. Oh. My. Gosh. Their paws were so huge, and their ears were so fluffy. And I didn't even get to pet them. The good news was they also had baby goats, and these were in the little petting zoo area. You better believe I chased those little guys down so I could pet them. They were so adorable. If you don't believe me, just google search "baby goat" and you'll understand.

After hanging with the animals, it was off to shop. The place was super crowded, so I can't even imagine what things would have been like if it had been nice outside. The question we all came away with from the outlet mall was, "why on earth would you need all these perfume stores?!" I can think of 6 different ones we saw off the top of my head, and I'm positive there were more hiding around corners that we didn't see. It was ridiculous.

As we got close to Austin, it started to pour and the thunder and lightning appeared. It couldn't have been more perfect timing. It was a pretty great day for looking so gloomy outside.

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