Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day Two Hundred Twelve

Today was a very busy day full of all fun things. I love days like these, and they don't come nearly enough. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast (best decision ever), then Kelly and I went to the Austin Zoo, courtesy of a Groupon deal. I took a bunch of photos, only to have my memory card malfunction and delete all of them when I tried to download them on the computer. Not cool, memory card. Luckily the zoo had a little photo booth thing, so we still got something.


Part of the Groupon deal was two bags of animal feed, so we spent some quality time with the llamas, goats, and sheep (the deers were lame and wouldn't get up to eat anything). The entire experience reiterated my extensive love of all things llama. They're so awkward, yet so very wonderful. After that we meandered around the zoo, seeing things from an insanely giant pig to a bunch of gorgeous tigers. There were also about a million peacocks. Why do zoos always seem to have an overabundance of peacocks? And they always just roam free.

After the zoo, we made another great meal decision and had lunch at Kerbey Lane Cafe. Breakfast food for two out of three meals today?! Dream come true. Then we used yet another Groupon (for some reason every Groupon we bought expires around the same time) to go see the movie The Monuments Men at Alamo Drafthouse. It was really good, I always love learning about historical things that I never knew happened, especially when it centers around one of the world wars.

The day finished with another 2.5 mile walk (no caves this time) and finishing the Breaking Bad series. I'm exhausted.

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