Monday, March 3, 2014

Day Two Hundred Fourteen

Oh Texas, you fickle state. You've induced another weather delay at UT tomorrow. While I always love a reason to sleep a little longer, this is seriously starting to mess with my schedule. You're not only capable of hot weather, you've made your point. Please regulate yourself.

I had a very popular office hour this morning (8 people! New record!) before working on a presentation for my remaining free time until lab. Then my lab mate alerted me of the 'thundersleet' we'd be getting tonight, and I knew I wouldn't be lingering on campus once I was done teaching. Sure enough, the sky put on quite a show tonight. I was watching CSI when the thunder first rolled in, and I took me a minute to realize there was actual thunder outside and the loud rumbling wasn't just intense background noise on the show. It could have been either. Right? Things have quieted down for the moment, which means its time to get to sleep before the next front rolls in.

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