Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day Two Hundred Thirty

First of all, let me just say...I got an A on my Surface Chemistry exam. I GOT AN A ON MY SURFACE CHEMISTRY EXAM!!! I was (and still am) so extremely happy about this. Finally, a good exam grade. I was beginning to feel like those just didn't exist in grad school. I bought myself two new candles as a reward, and now my room smells like lilacs. It's pretty wonderful.

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. This has been such an exhausting week, and tomorrow won't be any quieter with recruitment starting tomorrow for the chem grad department. I'm still wrapping my brain around the fact that its already been a year since my own UT Chem recruitment weekend. It feels like it just happened, and now I'm one of the grad students manning the Shear Lab poster and talking to prospective students. It's times like these that feel completely surreal, knowing that I'm in an analytical chemistry grad program that is ranked 4th in the nation (go UT!). I'm definitely blessed to be here.

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