Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day Two Hundred Thirty Five

Today turned out to be a pretty good day. Classes went well, I had a productive talk with my research advisor, and I caught some UT baseball in the evening. The baseball game started at 6pm, so I grabbed an early dinner at Chick-fil-A and ate outside in the sunny weather. The birds and squirrels are always active around the tables outside, but for the most part aren't very bothersome. This changed today...I heard an extremely annoyed-sounding squawk behind me and when I turned around I was faced with a blackbird all puffed up on top of a chair staring at me. He made a demanding squawk again straight at my face. Bossy little bird. I tossed him a small piece of waffle fry as I was leaving as a peace offering in hopes he wouldn't dive bomb me as I walked to my car. I'm happy to say it worked.

Then I walked to the baseball field around an hour before game time to watch batting practice and find a seat. It's so nice inside Disch-Falk Field. Well done, UT. I realized I wasn't wearing anything UT related, so I went to the dugout store and bought a hat. Because you just can't be at a baseball game without a hat. I stayed until the middle of the 5th inning before heading out to drive home. The score was 5-0 UT when I left, and with the final score 5-1, I feel confident saying that I didn't miss much after I left. I also learned that going to a baseball game by yourself isn't all that bad. It's actually kind of relaxing. I got tired of waiting for people to go with me, so I decided to just go enjoy it on my own. And I'm glad I did.

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