Friday, March 21, 2014

Day Two Hundred Thirty One

Today was day one of recruitment weekend for UT's chemistry department. There was a big poster session where all the research groups advertised their work to the potential grad students. There was an open bar, meaning that even students that weren't assigned to be there still came for the free drinks. Free food and drinks - a surefire way to get grad students to show up pretty much anywhere. I also learned that my research advisor can recite the entire How The Grinch Stole Christmas by memory. Dr. Shear...a man of many hidden talents. After taking the student I'm hosting to dinner, we (me, my student, and my lab mate Mindy) were walking back to the hotel when we ran in to one of Mindy's favorite rappers, Waka Flocka. I'd never heard of him, but we all went and got a photo with him so Mindy had photographic evidence that the encounter actually occurred. Let me just say, Waka Flocka is a giant. He gave us all hugs, and I just didn't have the heart to mention that I genuinely had no clue who he was prior to 2 minutes before meeting him. He certainly gave the evening an unexpected twist.

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