Friday, March 28, 2014

Day Two Hundred Thirty Eight

I was on campus from 8am to 6pm today. I am so tired. Here's some highlights though:

1. Fabricated my first successful gel bacteria traps. I'm unreasonably excited about this.

2. Snuck a peak at Texas Relays through the fence around the track. I watched some 100m dashes as well as pole vaulting. Only one out of the 12 guys we saw actually vaulted that was kind of sad.

3. Found out I got a free ticket to see former president Jimmy Carter speak on campus in April at the Civil Rights Summit. It's going to be so cool!

4. Picked up my best friend from undergrad at the airport. Amanda is here! Amanda is here!!!

5. Ate at County Line for dinner. So. Delicious.

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