Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day Three Hundred Sixty Two

The first thing I did today when I got to campus was get filmed presenting a 5 minute PowerPoint on my research. This was for my professional development class, and the purpose of it was to be filmed so we could analyze our own presentation style. The question that was at the forefront of my mind while watching my I actually sound like that?! It always baffles me how different you sound to yourself versus how you sound to other people. I can't even handle it. Thankfully, besides feeling like someone else's voice was coming out of me, I think the presentation went well. There were no "uh" or "um" or "ya know" moments, which feels like a personal victory.

The rest of the day was spent doing both literature research and physical research in the lab. I successfully troubleshooted a problem I was having by the end of the day today, and proceeded to run around lab and tell everyone around me how successful I had been. They all at least pretended to be as enthusiastic as I was, which was sweet of them. After this moment of pure jubilation, it was time to sit down and listen to two lab mates give practice dissertation defenses. I'm not sad that I have a fair chunk of time before I have to worry about giving that particular presentation.

I downloaded a 40 day ab workout app on my phone. Today was Day One, and I'm embarrassed to say that after the 5 minutes of exercise, my abdominals were completely wiped out. Exercise sometimes you just kill me.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day Three Hundred Sixty One

I got attacked by the IBS monster yesterday evening...hence no blog post. And no photo, considering the rest of the day was basically spent trying not to fall asleep on my textbook while trying to study.

Today was another battle with the sandman while reading up on electrochem. I also had a seminar I had to attend for class on "how to create a winning CV." I learned a grand total of one thing - don't staple your CV. Who knew? I don't get it, but I'll still follow it (this sentiment sums up a large portion of grad school in general).

Monday, July 28, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Eight

Two roommates studying for major exams makes for a very quiet apartment. Except for the occasional grumping that comes from both of us about our respective topics. At least we suffer together, it makes it slightly more bearable. Slightly. Electrochemistry, you make me sleepy and confused, and it pains me to know that I won't be rid of you until mid-October.

Our lab phone was fixed today, and the IT guy that fixed them had the last name MacIntosh. I'm still chuckling over that...with that last name, he was basically predestined to work in technology. He was super nice and fixed the problem very quickly. Whenever there's a problem technology related, I always hope its something more complex then "your phone was plugged in to the wrong port." This was not the case today. Thankfully it was an exterior port and not one in lab, or I would have felt like a total bozo. But to be honest, if there's one thing I've gotten used to in grad school, its feeling like a bozo. I guess if nothing else it means I'm learning a lot.

I'll see if I can find something interesting to take a photo of tomorrow. This blog needs some photo action.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Seven

Weekends go by really fast when you spend almost the entire time with your nose in an analytical chemistry textbook. That's not cool. I did get out yesterday to go to Costco, where I got my glasses adjusted and made it out buying only 3 things. Yeah! Chips, toilet paper, and eggs. I'll admit, it was a weird combination. It would have only been eggs and toilet paper had the chip tasting booth not sucked me in. Curse you, free always get me. Kelly had two different energy drink samples along with her chips, and was a little wired during checkout. Always an adventure at that store.

Today I went to church, got a beautifully made T-shirt quilt from my grandma (I love it, Gran!) and ate at Schlotzkys. When I ordered my plain smoked turkey sandwich, the girl at the register looked at me skeptically and asked, "do you actually like eating them like that?" Why yes. Yes I do. I love eating things that don't put my stomach in extreme distress. But since its not the first (and I'm sure not the last) time I've gotten this question, I just answered with "it's a dietary thing." I think I just confused her more, so I grabbed my receipt and hustled to the drink station. Then had to sheepishly walk back to get my forgotten order number to put on my table. It was a great moment. At least my sandwich was good.

Other then those exciting moments, my weekend has revolved around electrochemical techniques, potentiometry, and dental journal articles. Bundles of fun.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Five

I got mobbed by a group of high school kids while I was walking to Welch today. Apparently they were doing a scavenger hunt, and one of the things to find was a person wearing a UT shirt. Guess who happened to wear a UT shirt today? Oh, me. A girl asked if she could take my photo for a scavenger hunt and I said sure, thinking it was just her and a teammate. Imagine my surprise when 12 kids came sprinting my direction, one of whom slipped and fell right in front if me. Nice move, kid. Very graceful. It was definitely an interesting start to the day.

Today was spent doing an experiment (which technically worked, just not the way I hoped it would), studying, and taking a mid-day pool break with my friend Natalie. Considering I'd gotten to campus early for a study group (to which no one showed up for but me...) and had to stay later then usual for a meeting, I was all over the suggestion of some lunch time pool relaxation. The water was the perfect temperature, and there were only 2 other people there sunbathing, so we got prime shade seats and the entirety of the pool to ourselves. It was pretty fantastic.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Costco. Everyone cross your fingers that I maintain my self control...I can get a little out of control there. So many DEALS! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Three

You experiment worked today. The experiment I've been trying to get working for 2 months to no avail FINALLY worked today. I actually shrieked when I realized what was happening. Thankfully I'm surrounded by other researchers who have all had the same experience, and have reacted in equally ridiculous ways. And it worked just in time, considering I have to present to my research group this Friday. Whew!

It was so muggy today. I walked to the post office from my office (maybe half a mile at most) and was dripping with sweat by the time I got back. I looked at the weather on my phone, which said 82 degrees, and I scoffed. Then, in tiny print below the temperature it said "Real Feel: 100 degrees." That's more like it. Don't be telling me its 82 out! Lies, weather app. All lies.

Besides my successful bout of research, today was all study study study for Qualifying Exams. What's more fun then trying to read 4 different chemistry text books at once? Its hard to say.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty One

Driving in to campus today I passed two drones (cars, not planes) being heavily escorted by a motorcade of UT vehicles, all of which I'm sure were filled with extremely excited engineers. Finally, they get to take their drones for a drive! Albeit a very slow and very short one. It was cool to see, and also hilarious. I love nothing more than seeing pure geekiness in action, especially considering I partake in it myself on a daily basis. Oh, science.

This weekend consisted of an apartment full of silence as my roommate and I studied for major exams in our respective fields. Me for qualifying exams, her for the landscape architect licensing exam. Every once in a while we would compare what subject we were on. It went like this, "'What subject are you on?' 'Contracts! What about you?' 'Cyclic voltammetry.'" I'll let you guess who each part of that conversation belonged to. I think it made us both feel a little better, knowing that we could at least follow the material we were studying, while the material being studied across the hall was completely foreign.

Tim to get some sleep before more exciting studying takes place tomorrow. Fantastic.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty Eight

My experiment failed today.

But then I went to the optometry office to pick up my new glasses, and it made everything better.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty Six

Good news - I finally managed to get my Lady Bird Wildflower Center photos off my phone and on to my computer! Without further ado...

Because every wildflower center needs an impromptu workout center
in the middle of a field

The best part of the Metamorphosis Maze, even though he was
about a million degrees to sit on

So many butterflies!

GIGANTIC birds nests. These were pretty epic.

A short reprieve from the heat of the day.

Moving on to today - I really should know by now that rain and wet roads equals lots of accidents on the highway in Austin. It took me 20 minutes to go about half a mile, so I exited off the highway and took Congress Avenue to campus instead. Congress Ave goes right through the heart of downtown, and since I've never driven through the middle of downtown Austin before, it was pretty cool. It was also surreal knowing I was driving over Congress bridge, where I just recently watched 750,000 bats fly out from underneath a little over a week ago.

My day at school was a frantic mess of seminars, grading, research, and talking on the phone with my boss. Why was it so frantic, you ask? Well, because I had an eye appointment at 2:15pm, and had to get everything done by 1:30pm to get there on time. I didn't get out of lab until 1:50pm, which means I half speed-walked half jogged the mile from Welch Hall to my car and prayed for all green lights on the way to the highway. I got to the optometry office at 2:25pm and ran to the front desk apologetic and completely out of breath. They looked a little startled, told me it was okay, and asked, "um...would you like some water?" My answer was a resounding, slightly wheezing yes. The whole situation was just ridiculous, but I got new glasses ordered by the end of it, so I guess the extra cardio was worth it. But now my legs are sore.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty Five

For the record, I was going to post my Lady Bird Wildflower Center photos tonight, but for some reason my computer won't download them. Fear not, I will figure this issue out and post them soon...but for now, all you get is words. I know, disappointing.

Yesterday I had my first Professional Development class, a course that all first year chem students are required to take. The topic was "Funding in Science," and I half expected the lecture to consist of one slide that said "there is none." Alas, this was not so, but we did learn that as grad students we cost the school a boatload of money. That was kind of eye opening. After class I went and worked in lab...gotta earn my keep, after all.

Today was a day full of seminars. Two requirements for my Professional Development class are to attend and observe an undergrad lecture and attend a seminar given by a non-UT affiliated speaker, so my lab/class mate Mindy and I decided to just get them both done today. We went to a Gen Chem lecture, which I chose solely for the reason that the instructor has an awesome British accent. If I'm going to sit and listen to a lesson about phase changes at 8:30 in the morning, I need some incentive. A cool accent almost always works. After this we hunted around the science buildings to find a seminar to go to. Lo and behold, there was one being held today by the college of pharmacy! We were excited to get another class assignment out of the way...then we looked at the title of the seminar. "Inflammation, immunology, and homeostasis in the male reproductive tract." Wonderful. The one seminar we find this week, and that's what it's on. We decided we might as well just go and get it over with, and I noticed as an added bonus that the speaker was from Australia (once again - cool accent makes everything more bearable). The seminar wasn't too bad, there were definitely some interesting points. But there was also an overabundance of testicle diagrams and a point where the speaker said "mash the testes" and I almost choked on my water. Take home message = testicular biologist is a profession that actually exists, and I do not wish to pursue it.

After that experience we had one more required seminar to go to about getting a job in the academic field. My favorite question came from a friend of mine - "if I bring some really innovative, well funded research to the table, do you really care about my ability to inspire and teach students?" The answer was basically no, as we all predicted. Academia is a harsh, harsh world. Sorry undergrads.

Then I came home, made an eye appointment, and went out to dinner with Louise. I'm glad one of my surrogate Austin parents is back in town. The night ended with a spectacular lightening show.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty Two

Last night I had to proctor a chemistry final. In case you didn't catch it, I said last night. At 7pm. Honestly, could there be a worse time to hold a final? My students were lucky, I decided to bring cookies to help them push through to the end. I figured we all had to suffer through that horrible time slot together, so I might as well make it a little more bearable with some delicious confections. Apparently they agreed, as I had no cookies left by the time the last final was turned in. And with that, my summer TA duties are officially over. Now on to Monday where I start taking my own summer class. Yay.

I went to Lady Bird Wildflower Center today with a bunch of extended family. We bonded over looking at native flowers in 95 degree heat, it was glorious. The most unexpected part of the trip...coming across a bunch of workout equipment in the center of one of the fields. Um, what? How does that make any sense? It was weird, so obviously we had to take some photos (which will be posted tomorrow). There were also giant (fake) birds nests, lots of butterflies, and even one snake. I was most excited about something called the "Metamorphosis Maze," to which my cousin Josh responded, "you are such a nerd." The maze was kind of a letdown, but at least it helped me solidify my nerd status among the family. While there were some neat looking trails, we all decided to save those for a day that wasn't sweltering... And instead we all went to get snow cones. Clearly this is a family trait.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty

I don't know what the plant situation is outside my grocery store, but my allergies seriously hate it. By the time I got from my car to the front door it looked like I was just openly weeping...when in reality my eyed were just burning something fierce. My nose and throat have since gotten in on the action, making this a 2 benadryl night. I set my alarm extra loud tomorrow morning to help rouse me from what will probably be a mini benadryl coma. Analytical Chem students I teach, you better appreciate these cookies tomorrow, because my sinuses have been wreaking havoc ever since I bought them. Also, do well on your exam. It makes the grading go by faster.

In the spirit of continuing my periodic table\chemistry attire, I wore my Heisenberg shirt today (made in reference to the TV show Breaking Bad). Its always a hit. A guy at the grocery store passed me then turned around and yelled “I LIKE YOUR SHIRT!” Thank you, sir. That was very kind, though perhaps a bit overenthusiastic.

The benadryl is kicking in. I better put my phone down before I fall asleep on top of it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Nine

I wore my periodic table Toms shoes in to work today. When my advisor\boss walked in he took one look at them and said "those have got to be the geekiest shoes I have ever seen." This coming from my boss, who is one of the smartest (and therefore nerdiest) people I know. But he's also a chemist, which means deep deep down I'm pretty sure he loves my shoes. As everyone does. Because they're science-y and unexpected and therefore awesome.

I began the treacherous organization of my study materials for qualifying exams today. Two large binders and a full ream of paper later, I now have an arsenal of past exams to study from. Add this to the 4 textbooks I will be reading cover to cover, and it makes for two very exciting months I've got ahead of me. Can't. Wait.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Seven

I got a new phone today! Checking to find out when you're eligible for a phone upgrade and getting the message "you can upgrade today!" is a pretty wonderful surprise. You better believe I high-tailed it to Verizon after work. I am now the proud owner of a Droid Maxx. It's way bigger then my last phone, but that just means there's more to love. And I somehow got in and out of the Verizon store within 30 minutes. When does that ever happen? Upgrading phones usually takes forever. Regardless, I love it. Hopefully the honeymoon period lasts approximately 2 years until my next upgrade date.

I think it's safe to say that a cicada plague has descended on the UT campus. Those bugs are everywhere, and they're gigantic, and there are SO MANY of them. I legitimately have to duck and weave during the walk to and from my car. Yuck. All those bats under Congress bridge aren't looking so bad anymore.

My boss walked in about an hour after I got to lab and asked if I had been working out because I "had a glow." This may kind of sound like a compliment, but it actually translates to asking why I look sweaty and tired. The answer is because I live in Texas and its summer and I have to park a mile away from work only to dodge cicada assassins on my walk in. Working in a lab that is consistently air conditioned to about 65 degrees helps make up for it.

The rest of my evening\night was spent fiddling with my new phone and studying for qualifying exams. Woohoo!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Six

I had a pretty great weekend. One of my closest friends from undergrad flew in for the weekend, and it was the best. Nate, you're wonderful, I've missed you, thanks for tolerating the misery that is summer in Austin to come and see me.

To kick off his visit we went to a 4th of July party at the Czimskey house. We ate copious amounts of BBQ that was deliciously made by Justin (bravo, Justin...bravo), had some cake and s'mores courtesy of Natalie, and played some Cards Against Humanity. I'd never played Cards Against Humanity before, and it experience. We didn't see many fireworks, which wasn't a huge surprise. Living in a place in extreme drought isn't exactly conducive to lighting fuses and setting off giant things that explode into an array of colorful sparks. So to make up for it, we watched some Sherlock on Netflix. It eventually dawned on me that a BBC show maybe wasn't the most patriotic thing to watch on the 4th of July, but Sherlock is just so good. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Saturday we went to Alamo Drafthouse to see How To Train Your Dragon 2, because obviously that's what two people in their mid-20s choose to see at a movie theater. It was a fantastic movie, surprisingly just as good as the first one. I still take issue with the name of the main character though. Even vikings weren't stupid enough to name their child "Hiccup." Don't insult them. Then we got snow cones (obviously) and later that evening took a riverboat cruise to see the bats come out from under Congress bridge. I have wanted to see these bats since I moved here, and it surpassed my expectations. It's so surreal seeing 750,000 bats come out from under a bridge, and so eerie listening to their chirping as you approach and cross under the bridge.

Today was the obligatory visit to UT. Because I have to show off my grad school campus to everyone. It's an impressive place.

Now back to work and real life. What a downer. But first - bat trip photos!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Three

Today I.....

Got the experiment that failed on me yesterday to work today (thank goodness)

Learned to never do your grocery shopping the day before 4th of July

Was congratulated by the lady working the cash register for making it in and out of Costco with only two fruit and veggie platters and nothing else

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Two

Today was one of those days where nothing I tried in lab worked. Nothing. It was infuriating. And even more so since the exact same procedure worked two days ago. Science, sometimes you just make me mad. I grumped about it to my advisor on the phone, and he just gave me a good natured, "yeah, that happens." Oh research, you fickle fickle fiend. The dilemma will be revisited tomorrow. Wish me luck.

In other news...I ran over to another science building on campus to drop off a student exam, and took the elevator one floor too high. Usually this doesn't illicit any kind of reaction other than "oh, oops"...but I swear it was like I stepped into some kind of Star Trek set. The elevator opened up to one of the "clean rooms" where everyone wears body suits and masks and everything is white and sterile and there are lots of vents. It was startling. I took one step out of the elevator, got confused and a little freaked out, and threw myself back into the elevator as fast as possible. Obviously I was completely rational and level headed during this entire debacle.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty One

Dear blog,

I have neglected you. I am sorry. You see, it gets really hot in Austin in the summer, and when this happens I get sleepy (and sweaty and sometimes cranky) and am so excited to sleep that I just forget about you. I promise it will (maybe) never happen again.

I had the apartment to myself this past weekend, which means I was exceedingly productive due to boredom. I got so much done on Saturday (think cleaning and making a box for Goodwill and grading exams) that on Sunday I had long sections of time where I just didn't know what to do with myself. So obviously...Netflix. I watched the pilot episode of Hemlock Grove (I heard it was supposed to be good), and I don't think I've ever been so confused in all my life by a single TV episode. This was Donnie Darko confusing. For those of you who have seen the movie Donnie Darko, you will know what a serious statement this is. So, I abandoned Hemlock Grove and moved on to the BBC series Sherlock, because I am a total sucker for all things Sherlock Holmes. It was a good move, though I'm perplexed as to why this show is even considered a TV show. An entire season is three, hour and a half long episodes. Call me crazy, but that sounds more like a movie trilogy. Regardless, the show is fantastic, and I still have 2 seasons left to watch.

Good news - one of my good friends from undergrad is visiting this weekend! These plans were just solidified yesterday when I got a text from him asking if he could come hang out on the 4th (it should be noted that he lives in Seattle). Nate, I cannot wait to see you. I hope you're ready to tolerate Texas in the summer, and that it doesn't scare you away from visiting ever again.

I watched the World Cup up on the wall in lab again today. And, as per usual, the US scored their only goal in the 2 minutes it took me to run to the bathroom. I figured something big had happened, judging by the yelling and shrieking coming from various grad offices as I speed walked down the hallway. I'm surprised my lab mates didn't chase me away to the bathroom again to see if it triggered another goal. What a stressful, and heartbreaking, ending to that game.

I think I will go sleep away my World Cup miseries now. Goodnight.