Monday, June 20, 2016

Day One Thousand Forty

This extremely extended blog hiatus was brought to you by a week long trip to Virginia followed by two weeks of frantic packing to move to a new apartment. But I'm back! More to follow later this evening...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day One Thousand Thirteen

You guys, it's so hot and muggy here right now, and it's only going to get worse. But this past weekend I threw caution to the wind and went to the last UT baseball game of the season, and we actually won! That was an unexpected surprise. And I got to hug Hook 'Em, and it was the absolute best. Here's some photos.

Here's UT warming up, with some excellent leg action by the pitcher.
Bob and I also got some sweet HEB shades as a reward for getting there early. I'm
hoping if I wear them while I grocery shop I'll get a discount.
Hook 'Em and I bonded. This may be one of my
new favorite photos ever.
The Hook 'Em busted out some sweet, sweet air guitar moves.
Just look at him go.

Besides the crazy muggy weather, this week has actually turned out to be really great so far. I met some of my parents friend at church on Sunday, found someone to go see Gavin DeGraw and Andy Grammar in concert this coming fall, and then found another friend to go see Jon McLaughlin with me (also this fall). I've been a concert ticket buying machine these past couple days, and it makes me so happy.

And of my best friends who I've known since 6th grade is coming to town! She's never been to Texas before, so it should be fun. And probably a bit of a shock to her pacific northwest system.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day One Thousand Eight

In Texas, with hot summer weather comes insane tropical storms like the one that woke me up at 6 this morning and lasted until 1 in the afternoon. Thankfully I have a job that allows me to work at home when the weather and roads seem particularly vicious.

Finals have officially passed at UT, meaning my TAing responsibilities for the spring have come to an end. No more grading of 122 exams! Atleast not until the fall. Campus is already so much calmer. My first year of grad school, I hated having to work during the summer. Now, it's my favorite time to be in lab. Funny how things change. While the semester at UT has ended, my high school tutoring kids are still going strong in their school year, meaning weekend tutoring sessions press on. One of these days I'll have a full weekend to myself. One of these days...

Until then, I'll continue having my Pirates of the Caribbean marathon and enjoy the small piece of weekend that will come my way after tomorrow.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Day One Thousand Two

This year, I've found myself way more reflective on/after my birthday than usual. Maybe it's the fact that my age now visibly shows that I'm closer to 30 than 20, or maybe it's just caused me to acknowledge that I've finally reached a point in life where I actually feel somewhat like a functioning adult (not always, but definitely more often). It's that moment where you feel like you're doing pretty well being independent and taking care of yourself, but at the same time regularly struggling with feeling like you're floundering.

I made a lot of progress in my year of being 25. I made it a full year living on my own (this is a big deal, just trust me), started over in my search for a church that I felt connected with and am slowly working on establishing myself somewhere new, and got better at not letting the threat of going somewhere alone keep me from doing something I want to do. Like baseball games and concerts and comedy shows.

This bird also decided he didn't need anyone else to enjoy
some baseball.
 I worked on being true to myself and my interests, which included searching for a book club and eventually joining one. While this provided much fodder for others to poke fun at me, I haven't regretted it at all. Probably one of the biggest shifts this year has been finally feeling comfortable in grad school - feeling like I'm not the dumbest person in the room, like I made the right decision in deciding to go to graduate school and deciding to stay in graduate school even when things really, really sucked (and sometimes continue to suck). I now find that I can read and understand things like this and how it integrates with my own research.

Feast your eyes. Ready to go to grad school, yet?

I'm excited and a little terrified to see what being 26 brings. I have some ideas of what I would like it to bring - a greater sense of independence and self confidence, greater consistency with being active/going to the gym, and being more accepting of the fact that I'm not meant to have everything figured out just yet.

I've only been 26 for three days now, but it's gone pretty well so far. I have family that sends me ridiculous cross-dressing ballerina birthday cards (it's a long story) and who make sure I have a box of birthday gifts that arrive to me exactly on my birthday for me to open, and I have friends that know me well enough to get me things like a small alpaca figurine, because there is never a time when those silly looking creatures don't make me smile. I think that makes me pretty lucky.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day One Thousand

It's really late and I'm exhausted, but I can't not post on my one thousandth day in Texas. It's a crazy milestone and hard to wrap my head around. As is the fact that I turned 26 today. 26?! Officially  closer to 30 than I am to 20?! That can't be.

All in all, it was an awesome day. I slept in, got to talk to both parents and my brother on the phone, got some surprise birthday boxes in the mail, and was graciously taken out for a nice birthday dinner by a good friend and her parents. I ended the day watching Sherlock, and it was the perfect end to a pretty wonderful day.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Ninety Nine

You know it was a hot day when you walk inside your apartment and think, "man, it's so nice and cool in here!" ....then you look at the thermostat and it informs you that it's 78 degrees in the apartment. For those who aren't aware, we climbed into the 90s today here in Austin, with 300% humidity, and it was a brutal awakening for what's to come in the summer. Be gentle with me, Texas. Be gentle.

I have quite literally been running ragged the past two weeks tutoring and grading and giving review sessions and office hours for the class I TA for. I go to work, run around meeting students all day, drive home, spend 15 minutes shoveling food in my face for dinner, then go back to my car to meet high school kids for tutoring. It's been an exhausting process, but also an enjoyable one, as I genuinely do like helping people understand chemistry. Only one more week of undergrads and three more weeks of high school tutoring and we can all relax for the summer. Them more so than me, but whatever.

Tomorrow I will have been in Austin for 1000 days. Quadruple digits. Tomorrow I also turn 26. The older I get, the more I understand when people used to tell me how life seems to fly by as you get older. Tomorrow is a day of milestones. I'll celebrate it by sleeping in (slightly), then going to work. Because unfortunately my birthday has not been deemed a national holiday. Yet.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Eighty Seven

I'm writing this on my charged laptop! So without further ado, some photos from the past few weeks. 

First up, the San Antonio Zoo! My friend Mindy had never been, and I figured the combination of Mindy's love of birds and the San Antonio Zoo basically being half birds was a winning pair. Sure enough, I was right. And considering I also love birds, I didn't hate it either. They took away their penguin exhibit though, and that made me sad.

My selfie with a lorry.

Mindy was somehow a bird whisperer, and both lorries she fed
immediately jumped on her shoulder and just hung out there for
a few minutes.

Next up, this cursed, dysfunctional laser that has stalled all research progress the past couple months. We finally had to give in and take the cover off the entire thing to fiddle with the mirrors inside. See that green laser? That laser is so powerful it vaporizes air, and will slice through both a sheet of paper and your hand if it gets in the way. So I volunteered to fold the lens paper while my boss sacrificed his hands for the cause. While we all came out unscathed, the laser is still broken. Awesome.

The laser also has the exciting trait of causing instant blindness if
it reflects off something and in to your eyes. So this is what I looked
like for the duration of the attempted fix. The dark goggles block out
red laser light, the orange block green laser light. Together, they
maintain my ability to see things.

Last up, my office hour activity last week. No one showed up, so I drew Chem Bevo and hung him up in the room where a bunch of TAs hold their office hours. I checked today, he's still there. I'm a bit proud. If you can think of any catchy slogans for him, let me know.

This week thus far has been more fiddling with the laser and more office hours, as final exams loom over all the undergrads. Oh, and book club, where we talked about the behemoth of a book that is The Goldfinch. It wasn't my favorite, but I'm still happy I read it.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Eighty Five

I forgot to charge my laptop again, so this will be another picture-less post since the phone blog app just cannot handle photos. But fear not, my laptop is charging overnight tonight so tomorrow I'll have no excuse.

This weekend was.....busy. Saturday was filled with tutoring, a baby shower, a Mary Kay makeup appointment (I looked fabulous afterwards), and going to see the new Jungle Book in theaters. That remake was absolutely amazing, and all of you should go see it. Today was spent doing all the stuff I didn't get done on Saturday, such as grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, going to the gym, more tutoring, and data analysis for work. Thrilling stuff, let me tell you. It's especially fun when you don't realize you were saving said data analysis in the wrong format until too late, so you get to do it all over again. Excel, you kill me sometimes. Absolutely kill me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Eighty One

Remember how in my last post I said life felt a bit like a tornado? It hasn't changed yet, and it's continually exhausting. Things are very tense in lab, and an immediate resolution does not appear to be on the horizon, so spending 8+ hours of my day in that environment has got all my nerves frayed. I won't go in to what's happening, because I'll just get worked up (trust me), but it's an unpleasant situation at the moment.

Outside of lab, finals week is creeping closer and closer, and while I don't have any finals of my own to worry about (thank goodness), the students in the class I TA for as well as the students I'm tutoring are starting to feel the pressure. This means that extra office hours, review sessions, and tutoring sessions are all forthcoming. It takes up a chunk of free time, but the money made from tutoring makes the idea of paying for moving expenses a little more bearable. And for that I am thankful. Let's just hope I can calm these students down enough that they don't go in to panic mode when their exams and finals are dropped down in front of them.

On a final note, the weather has been absolute madness recently. Horribly stormy on Sunday (think flooding and emergency rescues - thankfully not in my area of town), then lingering storms all throughout the week that follow no rhyme or reason. Today was all thunder and lightning this morning, hot and muggy this afternoon, and then absolute perfect weather in the evening. I have no words.

PS - I haven't forgotten about posting photos. I'll get to that on the next post, when my laptop is fully charged again.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Seventy Five

Last week was an absolute whirlwind of emotion and tension after a freshman girl was murdered on campus. For those who aren't aware, they were able to catch the guy (or should I say kid... 17 year old boy) who did it just 2 days after the body was found. Which is impressive, and we're all thankful for it. May Haruka Weiser rest in peace, and may everyone keep her family in their prayers. Yesterday was the first day where no news crews were on campus, which makes things feel a little more back to normal. There are still police cars everywhere, but I'm completely fine with that not changing for a while.

This week has been a completely different kind of whirlwind, with broken equipment in lab and suddenly realizing I'm going to have to move come June. $220 increase in rent (24% rise) after one year?! No thanks. I'm more than happy to leave. Thankfully today I was able to lock down an apartment for when my current lease ends, so cheers to not having to go a week or two with no place to live!

It's been one of those times of life where you feel like you're trapped in a tornado. If you all could pray for things to calm down (even just a bit), I'd very much appreciate it. There has been a highlight in recent days though during a trip to the San Antonio Zoo last weekend. Photos to follow in a post soon, since I'm writing this on my phone, and the blog phone app hates uploading photos.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Sixty Seven

I recently hit the one year anniversary of living in my current apartment, and decided to celebrate by buying myself new dishes and a new shower liner. It's times like this that I realize just how much of a grown-up I've become. Yay? I also learned to smell a shower liner before you buy it, as I put my new one up, and in the course of 30 minutes took it back down and made a beeline for the dumpster before going to Target and buying another one. I may be a chemist, but that doesn't mean I want my apartment smelling like horrific chemicals. Crisis averted courtesy of Target being the best store to ever exist.

Besides the bad shower liner, it's been an odd/tragic week. Yesterday morning on UT's campus, it was discovered that a homicide had taken place overnight, with the victim being a female student. I've spent my week walking to and from work within 100 feet of an active crime scene, observing an extremely large number of law enforcement officers and news crews milling around the area constantly working. It's been surreal, scary, and completely heartbreaking. And I assure you all that I'm being as safe as humanly possible when working and moving around on campus, especially in light of certain events. So everyone say a prayer for the UT family, for students and staff to stay safe, and especially for the family of the victim.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Sixty Two

This morning while walking with a friend to Starbucks on campus, we passed a guy on his bike singing "Roar" by Katy Perry and yelling "gotta start this day out RIGHT!"

Ahhhhh, college campuses. You never fail to entertain.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Sixty

Okay, so I can't blame SXSW for my lack of posting these past 10 days. To make up for it, I'll make this a picture post! And I promise to do better...I promise.

Rodeo Austin! This is what I did instead of SXSW. You can see
how calm and serene the bull rider is on the big screen.

Katelyn and I at the rodeo, being excellent box-seat fillers.

Amanda's wedding photos are here! Here we
are looking adorable.

And here we are being completely normal.

The bridal party.

Here's a shot of part of the Shear Lab (including the boss-man, Dr. Shear)
at the Recruitment Weekend poster session last week.

I took the chem department recruit I was hosting to a UT baseball game, and
we snuck in to first row seats behind home plate for the last two innings.

It was basically like we were on the field with the team.

And this is just something random that happened
today when camels appeared on campus.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Fifty

Let's all blame my lack of posting on SXSW. I didn't actually go to the festival, because I don't have a million bajillion dollars, but I did have to constantly figure out how to navigate around the horrible traffic it causes. But guess what? Today was the last day! The roads can now return to their normal state of bad Texas driving.

This past week was also spring break at UT, which meant a blissful week of work with no undergrads clogging campus. My research did its best to ruin my good mood, but I've gotten used to it rarely working at this point. There's a reason it takes as long as it does to get a PhD. Cross your fingers that this week brings greater success!

As far as fun things go, I've enjoyed both Rodeo Austin and some Texas baseball this past week. The rodeo is always lots of fun, and always reminds me of how different Texas is compared to where I grew up. There's nothing like watching grown men try to ride bulls or throw themselves off horses so they can tackle and flip over a steer. And the best part of it all is we got to watch all this happen from 4th row box seats! Our section of the bleachers (because I'm not willing to pay the amount of money required to get box seats) was chosen to be seat fillers until the rich box seat people showed up, that way the rodeo looked filled to capacity to people watching on TV. We got lucky and the people whose seats we took never showed up! Best surprise ever. I'll post some photos tomorrow when I'm writing my blog post from my laptop and not my phone.

I also took in a UT baseball game yesterday, because I'm hopelessly addicted. We lost, which we're doing with surprising consistency this year, but I still love them. And I got to take a friend of mine to her very first baseball game, which made it even more fun.

Tomorrow.......back to work. What a drag.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Thirty Six

I've learned over the course of living in an apartment building that you get first whiff of your neighbors strong-smelling food choices.

Neighbor making spicy noodles at 11:30pm, I will not miss you.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Thirty Two

I know, I disappeared for a while. I've been battling the cold that just won't quit, and thankfully I seem to be at the very tail end of it. I think I can speak for my entire lab when I say we all can't wait for my sinuses to get back to normal.

My past 10 days have included lots of catching up at work after being in Washington for 6 days followed by being sick for a week. I've successfully overcome a research hurdle that's been plaguing me (yay!), gone to my first baseball game of the season (UT lost real bad), had a mental breakdown over grad school (the semi-annual "what have I don't with my life, I'm never going to get out of here" moment), gotten a massage (it seems I'm tense?), and tutored some young'ns in the basics of chemistry (where I remind myself that I'm not as dumb as I feel sometimes).

I also went to a baby shower for my cousin Emily, where I made a chemistry-themed baby block because you cannot sneak attack me with crafts and not expect me to immediately revert to my comfort zone, molecules. It was for this baby shower that I went shopping for a picture book to gift Emily, and was reminded that people will publish kids books about literally anything. Some favorites were "Who Flung Dung?" and "My Mother is a Foreigner, But Not to Me." I ended up going with "Shamoo: A Whale of a Cow" - the inspiring story of a cow who becomes best friends with a humpback whale and realizes his dream of living and swimming in the ocean. This is not even a joke. Clearly if this whole grad school thing doesn't work out, I can go in to the field of children's literature. Because they will publish the weirdest things ever.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Twenty Three

Two days after returning from Washington, my immune system decided it would be a splendid time to succumb to a horrific cold. The past 4 days have been spent sneezing, coughing, and generally sounding (and feeling) like the most disgusting person ever. It's been a dream. So this post will be dedicated to reminiscing over my visit to Washington a week ago.

First up was a trip to my alma mater, St. Martin's, to give a grad school talk. As far as I know it went well, and it was surreal/wonderful to be back on that small, quaint little campus. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I went back. The evening ended with dinner at one of my favorite restaurants (Budd Bay Cafe) with some of my favorite people, Greg and Laurie Creighton. Thank you for the delicious salmon dinner!

Next up was traveling to Puyallup, where the wedding festivities commenced on Saturday morning. Here we are at Amanda's mom's house doing hair and makeup for the big event later that evening. It was a time of many curling irons and much hair spray.

Once we were all pretty, we got all dressed up for photos. The bridesmaids dresses looked great, but let me tell was an adventure to travel with that thing between Austin and Seattle. Because it was winter in Washington, Amanda kindly supplied us all with fur wraps to keep us warm while we gracefully waltzed around Tacoma taking pre-wedding photos (and when I say "gracefully waltzed", I mean "awkwardly got out of cars while simultaneously trying to hold an umbrella and our dresses and trying to prevent getting the pale pink satin dirty with mud").

My old friend Mary and my new friend Annie at the wedding.

My roommate from freshman year at George Fox, Emily.

And finally, the beautiful bride, Amanda.

My time in Washington ended with gallivanting around Olympia with one of my other best friends, Abbie. We went by my favorite used book store, walked around the harbor, and ate at my favorite restaurant downtown. It was the perfect end to a perfect trip.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Sixteen

I spent the last week in Washington and filled up all of my time there with people and places I love. I'm exhausted and overly emotional about having to leave what I consider my home state, but it was an amazing trip - with a highlight of getting to stand next to one of my best friends as she got married on Saturday. Amanda, I love you to pieces and am so honored that I got to be a part of your wedding. To many more adventures in the future!

Photos from this past week to come soon.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Two

Today, I spent most of my work day with a delightful German man named Claus. I've learned that in grad school, at one point or another everything in your lab breaks (literally everything, including grad students). And when that item is your $17000 microscope, you get to meet repairmen like Claus. In his own words, the inside of our microscope was "so dusty you could plant a potato garden." Now you understand what I mean when I say the man was delightful. He flipped our microscope on its head (which made me very nervous, but he seemed totally comfortable with) and worked some kind of magic involving hammers, Allen wrenches, sand paper, and lots of grease to make our vintage scope work like new again. He even polished it for us while telling me about one of his upcoming service trips to a naval base in San Diego to fix a submarine periscope. In short, Claus was the coolest.

The rest of the day was spent having an office hour to which nobody came, going to a seminar about catalysis where I understood about 20% of what was said, and polishing up my grad school presentation I'll be giving next week at my alma mater. Because guys, next week I'll be in Washington. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.

I also replaced a (very) small but (kind of) important part on the interior of my car today! All by myself! Granted it was just the little piece that the sun visor clips in to, but I was still pretty proud of myself. I accidentally snapped the original one in half last week when I apparently got a bit overaggressive with the visor because it was way too sunny out for the middle of "winter." This resulted in the clip flying toward the windshield and the visor flying back toward my face, which made my drive home on the highway ever so exciting. Atleast it only cost $3.50 for the replacement part.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Ninety Nine

This week was exhaustingly busy with both work related and non work related things. Fixing broken equipment, (new to me) book club, yoga, chemistry review sessions, and a Sherlock marathon...and more and more and more.

One of my favorite parts came when I was sitting in lab working on a presentation to give at my alma mater next month. I floated the question "what do you wish you knew about grad school before you applied/started?" My labmate immediately replied with "how it completely crushes your soul and gives you a constant feeling of inadequacy." My boss was sitting at the desk next to hers when she said this. And all he did was grin and continue to work.

Welcome to graduate school, folks.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Ninety Five

Today was an unexpected sick day due to an unexpected stomach virus. It was also 74 degrees out today.

I find both of these things to be equally disappointing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Ninety One

Spring semester officially started yesterday, which means all of us grad students have had to exchange the peaceful silence of winter break for the stampede of undergrads wandering around Welch Hall with zero sense as to where they're going. It's delightful.

This spring I'm back to TAing an undergrad class - an analytical chemistry class with...wait for it...115 students! This is by far the largest class I've ever TAed, and thankfully there's three of us TAs to share the burden. Having a lab of 16 students was exhausting, so 115 should be quite the adventure. I've never been more thankful that I have a locked office I can hide in.

On a final note, I learned that I apparently have a distinct knock today. My boss recently moved in to a new office, but the office door doesn't have a window, which means we never know if he's on campus or not. Because like the grad students, the professors also hide from undergrads in their locked offices. Well, I'm no undergrad anymore, so closed doors don't deter me. I'll just knock on it. And I knock with purpose, because half the time a wimpy knock gets no results since nobody can hear it. Well, today I knocked on my boss's door, and when he opened it (HA! I knew he was hiding in there), he just looked at me and said, "you know, I knew it was you, because it sounded like a battering ram was at my door." Thanks, Jason.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Eighty Seven

Yesterday at work, we finished the chemical waste tagging, and came out with a grand total of 344 different bottles of chemical waste. Thanks a lot, former lab members. I filled out every single one of those tags, and now my right hand is sore. I blame every single one of you.

I was in a bit of a trance following that particular lab adventure, so most of the rest of Friday I just kind of stared into oblivion. With a brief moment of focus thrown in to go to Target and buy cute storage bins for my kitchen (hello, newly freed up counter space) as well as a small plastic bucket for cleaning. Turns out, finding a small plastic bucket is impossible and Target only carries gigantic car wash type buckets that won't fit in my bathroom. So I improvised and got a small plastic trash can for $1.50. Because sometimes you just have to be flexible after spending 30 minutes wandering around looking for a stupid small bucket.

Today I tutored some high school kids in chemistry, bought groceries, and went to listen to some more live music at a local bar called Moontower Saloon. I went to see the Cody Bryan Band play, a local band that is absolutely fantastic and that you should all check out. Between Cody Bryan Band today and Macklemore this past Wednesday, it was a week of live music for me...and I loved every second of it!

Speaking of Macklemore, here are a few of the promised photos!

Thrift Shop

White Walls


This was actually before the concert. Olja and I found a random photo booth
complete with props in the concert hall, and we had to participate.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Eighty Five

This week in lab, we've been documenting and tagging waste chemicals. For going on 3 days straight now. To give you an idea of what this entails, we have thus far tagged 225 bottles, with over 100 bottles that are still yet to be tagged. In other words, the former members of this lab were horrible hoarders who didn't bother to clean or dispose of anything no longer being used. Fabulous.

To help me cope with the never ending chemical waste....I went to see Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in concert last night! It was amazing, and once I get the photos my friend Olja took, I'll post some here. He was just the boost of energy I needed to power through the rest of this week. Then I get the weekend....and then the undergrads return in force for spring semester next Tuesday. Empty campus, you were nice while you lasted. I'll miss you until you return in the summer.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Eighty

I was reminded today that running on a treadmill (which I did on Wednesday) is infinitely easier than running on pavement (which I did today). Seriously? I'm this exhausted and my (albeit short) run only burned 130 calories? How lame.

Today I read research articles all day, which are a rather potent tranquilizer by themselves. I did this today because yesterday, our microscope seized up. So guess who gets to help dismantle a microscope soon? This girl. Everyone cross your fingers that I don't lose any of the very vital screws that hold the obscenely expensive thing together.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Seventy Six

Today I continued my quest for new running shoes (which I started while I was in Richmond, to no avail) with a trip to RunLab Austin. I saw online that they specialize in examining your running style/gait and work with you to improve upon it, but that they also sell I was intrigued. When the run tech sat across from me, the first thing out of his mouth was, "do you mind if I draw on your feet?" Um...I guess not? Then this happened.

It's the first time I've ever had my feet so thoroughly examined. And also the first time I've had to come home and struggle to get sharpie off my feet (not easy, fyi). But much was learned and I left with a new pair of running shoes. Let's hope these ones end up being the perfect fit! Bring it on, 10K in September. Bring it on.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Seventy Five

I've been cleaning and purging things like a crazy person these last couple days. New year, clean(er) apartment! I already feel good about it, and I'll probably continue to work throughout the week on cleaning and getting rid of things I really don't need. I also got my photo situation all figured out with the updated operating system on my laptop! Huzzah! So without further ado...Richmond photos!

This is the plane I flew on from DC to Richmond. It is by far the smallest plane I've ever been on. Um, hello exposed propellors, can't say I've flown on a plane with you before. I think the guy sitting next to me described the ride the best - "It's very loud, and very shaky." It was definitely an experience.

Whenever I'm home visiting my parents, my dad and I always go on evening walks. On one night in particular, we met this cute barn owl who let us get within about 8 feet of him. It was so cool, and he was so pretty with such big feet.

And another evening walk along the James River.

My mom and I spent a morning learning how to make croissants and it was waaaaay more complex than either of us expected. It was a 3 hour class, and we barely got three each to take home. You guys, I knew there was a lot of butter in croissants, but oh my god...there's so much butter. I have no words. Regardless, they were delicious...probably because of all the butter.

Then I discovered that Richmond has a zoo, so we had to go. We fed parakeets (what this photo doesn't show is the eight that originally landed on my arm trying to get to the food, or the one that decided to land on my head for a couple minutes) and I spent some quality time with this gorgeous snow leopard. I love him.

Here are the obligatory sibling/family photos. As you can see from the family photos, my dad and I were perfectly behaved while my mom and brother caused all kinds of havoc in the background. They clearly cannot be trusted to be in the back of photos.

We finally got a normal one.

And last but not least, the historic Capitol building. The first photo is of the current House of Representatives room. The second photo is an original sculpture of George Washington that he posed for, with the face being sculpted from a mask made on his actual face. And then there's me and Thomas Jefferson, because who doesn't love Thomas Jefferson?